Last night I was chatting with my friend Sravanthi. She is doing her MS in US, and she's president of Baton rouge (Louisiana) chapter, AID. So she told me about this NGO, Association for India's Development (AID), what all things they do to fund those in need and all. Well to be frank I didn't knew something like AID existed, even though it's more than a decade old organization. Not only me but I questioned couple of my friends do they knew about AID, on the sad note they too didn't knew that such an NGO existed. Anyways, I decided to join this organization and contribute whatever I can for the noble cause this NGO is committed to.
Association for India's Development (AID) is a volunteer movement committed to promoting sustainable, equitable and just development. In solidarity with non-violent people's struggles, AID supports grassroots organizations in India and initiates efforts in various interconnected spheres such as education, livelihoods, natural resources, health, women's empowerment and social justice.
Association for India's Development (AID) is a volunteer movement committed to promoting sustainable, equitable and just development. In solidarity with non-violent people's struggles, AID supports grassroots organizations in India and initiates efforts in various interconnected spheres such as education, livelihoods, natural resources, health, women's empowerment and social justice.
A.I.D at a Glance:
Donations to AID are tax-deductible in the USA where it is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity with federal
Tax-ID 04-3652609.
Inspired by AID, volunteers across the globe have started the following independent organizations:
AID-India with 80-G tax deductible status in India, AID-Aus in Australia and AID-Canada in Canada. Smaller volunteer groups have also mushroomed in UK and other countries.
Good start....great going....surely you guys can take this to places....Just let not the enthu die...
I too ll feature soon....just waiting for the right time....
welcome to AID... have you met balaji sampath??
hey thanks anony.. :)
nope sir..
Hey nandoo,
Are you part of any AID chapter. I have met Balaji in AID conference at Tempe, Arizona this year. As we all know, he is a great person to meet and get inspired from. Have u met balaji sampath?
phani - yes i am good friend of balaji... we always invite him for all the smile function... we sometimes join together to execute some projects on both the sides... its been a while i spoke to him..
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